La Kansas City, Missouri, unde se desfășoară ediția 74 (MidAmeriCon II, 17-21 august) a Convenției mondiale de science fiction, au fost prezentate premiile Hugo 1941 (acordate retroactiv).
Ceremonia de decernare a premiilor Hugo 2016 (nominalizații aici), va avea loc sîmbătă 19 august, cu începere de la ora 20.00 (duminică ora 4.00 în România). Insomniacii o pot urmări în direct pe canalul Ustream (video) sau pe site-ul oficial Hugo Awards (text, prin intermediul platformei CoverItLive).
Best Novel:
- Slan de A.E. Van Vogt.
- Gray Lensman de E.E. “Doc” Smith,
- The Ill‐Made Knight de T.H. White,
- Kallocain de Karin Boye,
- The Reign of Wizardry de Jack Williamson,

Best Novella:
- If This Goes On… de Robert A. Heinlein,
- Coventry de Robert A. Heinlein,
- Magic, Inc. de Robert A. Heinlein,
- The Mathematics of Magic de L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt,
- The Roaring Trumpet by L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt.
Best Novelette:
- The Roads Must Roll de Robert A. Heinlein,
- Blowups Happen de Robert A. Heinlein,
Darker Than You Think de Jack Williamson,- Farewell to the Master de Harry Bates,
- It! de Theodore Sturgeon,
- Vault of the Beast de A.E. Van Vogt.
Best Short Story:
- Robbie de Isaac Asimov,
- Martian Quest de Leigh Brackett,
- Requiem de Robert A. Heinlein,
- The Stellar Legion de Leigh Brackett,
- Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius de Jorge Luis Borges.
Best Graphic Story:
- Batman #1,
- Captain Marvel: “Introducing Captain Marvel” de Bill Parker și C. C. Beck,
- Flash Gordon: “The Ice Kingdom of Mongo” de Alex Raymond și Don Moore,
- The Origin of the Spirit de Will Eisner,
- The Spectre: “The Spectre”/”The Spectre Strikes!” de Jerry Siegel și Bernard Baily.
Best dramatic presentation long form:
- Fantasia,
- Dr. Cyclops,
- Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe,
- One Million B.C.,
- The Thief of Bagdad,
Best dramatic presentation short form:
- Pinocchio,
- The Adventures of Superman: “The Baby from Krypton”,
- The Invisible Man Returns,
- Looney Tunes: “You Ought to Be in Pictures”,
- Merrie Melodies: “A Wild Hare”.
Best Editor short form:
- John W. Campbell,
- Dorothy McIlwraith,
- Raymond A. Palmer,
- Frederik Pohl,
- Mort Weisinger.
Best Professional Artist:
- Virgil Finlay,
- Hannes Bok,
- Margaret Brundage,
- Edd Cartier,
- Frank R. Paul,
- Hubert Rogers.
Best Fanzine:
- Futuria Fantasia de Ray Bradbury,
- Le Zombie de Bob Tucker,
- Novacious de Forrest J Ackerman and Morojo,
- Spaceways de Harry Warner, Jr.,
- Voice of the Imagi‐Nation de Forrest J Ackerman și Morojo.
Best Fan Writer:
- Ray Bradbury,
- Forrest J Ackerman,
- H. P. Lovecraft,
- Bob Tucker,
- Harry Warner.