La Kansas City, Missouri, unde se desfășoară ediția 74 (MidAmeriCon II, 17-21 august) a Convenției mondiale de science fiction, au fost prezentate premiile Hugo 2016. Cîștigătorii mai jos (în bold):
Best Novel:
- The Fifth Season de N.K. Jemisin,
- Ancillary Mercy de Ann Leckie,
- The Aeronaut’s Windlass de Jim Butcher,
- Seveneves de Neal Stephenson,
- Uprooted de Naomi Novik.

Best Novella:
- Binti de Nnedi Okorafor,
- The Builders de Daniel Polansky,
- Penric’s Demon de Lois McMaster Bujold,
- Perfect State de Brandon Sanderson,
- Slow Bullets de Alastair Reynolds.
Best Novelette:
- Folding Beijing de Hao Jingfang, trad. Ken Liu,
- And You Shall Know Her by the Trail of Dead de Brooke Bolander,
- Flashpoint: Titan de CHEAH Kai Wai,
- Obits de Stephen King,
- What Price Humanity? de David VanDyke.
Best Short Story:
- Cat Pictures Please de Naomi Kritzer,
- Asymmetrical Warfare de S. R. Algernon,
- If You Were an Award, My Love de Juan Tabo and S. Harris,
- Seven Kill Tiger de Charles Shao,
- Space Raptor Butt Invasion/em> de Chuck Tingle.

Best Related Work: nu se acordă
- Between Light and Shadow: An Exploration of the Fiction of Gene Wolfe de Marc Aramini,
- The First Draft of My Appendix N Book de Jeffro Johnson,
- Safe Space as Rape Room de Daniel Eness,
- SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police de Vox Day,
- The Story of Moira Greyland de Moira Greyland.
Best Graphic Story:
- The Sandman: Overture scenariul de Neil Gaiman, desene de J.H. Williams III,
- The Divine scenariul de Boaz Lavie, desene de Asaf Hanuka și Tomer Hanuka,
- Erin Dies Alone scenariul de Grey Carter, desene de Cory Rydell ,
- Full Frontal Nerdity de Aaron Williams,
- Invisible Republic Vol 1 scenariul de Corinna Bechko și Gabriel Hardman, desene de Gabriel Hardman.
Best dramatic presentation long form:
- The Martian,
- Avengers: Age of Ultron,
- Ex Machina,
- Mad Max: Fury Road,
- Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Best dramatic presentation short form:
- Jessica Jones: AKA Smile,
- Doctor Who: Heaven Sent,
- Grimm: Headache,
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: “The Cutie Map” Parts 1 and 2,
- Supernatural: Just My Imagination.

Best Editor short form:
- Ellen Datlow,
- John Joseph Adams,
- Neil Clarke,
- Jerry Pournelle,
- Sheila Williams.
Best Editor long form:
- Sheila E. Gilbert,
- Liz Gorinsky,
- Vox Day,
- Jim Minz,
- Toni Weisskopf.
Best Professional Artist:
- Abigail Larson,
- Lars Brad Andersen,
- Larry Elmore,
- Michael Karcz,
- Larry Rostant.
Best Semiprozine:
- Uncanny Magazine,
- Beneath Ceaseless Skies,
- Daily Scince Fiction,
- Sci Phi Journal,
- Strange Horizons.
Best Fanzine:
- File 770,
- Castalia House Blog,
- Lady Business,
- Superversive SF,
- Tangent Online.

Best Fancast: nu se acordă
- 8-4 Play,
- Cane and Rinse,
- Hello Greedo,
- The Rageaholic,
- Tales to Terrify.
Best Fan Writer:
- Mike Glyer,
- Douglas Ernst,
- Morgan Holmes,
- Jeffro Johnson,
- Shamus Young.
Best Fan Artist:
- Steve Stiles,
- Matthew Callahan,
- disse86,
- Kukuruyo,
- Christian Quinot.
John Campbell award for Best New Writer:
- Andy Weir,
- Pierce Brown,
- Sebastien de Castell,
- Brian Niemeier,
- Alyssa Wong,
Tot la Sasquan au fost prezentate și premiile Chesley ce se acordă de către Asociația artiștilor din science fiction și fantasy (ASFA) pentru realizări individuale:
Best Cover Illustration / Hardcover
: Todd Lockwood pentru Voyage of the Basilisk, Marie Brennan;
Best Cover Illustration – Paperback
: Tyler Jacobson pentru Beyond the Pool of Stars, Howard Andrew Jones;
Best Cover Illustration – Magazine
: Tran Nguyen pentru Uncanny Magazine #4 (5-6/15);
Best Interior Illustration
: Peter Mohrbacher pentru Angelarium: Book of Emanations, Eli Minaya & Peter Mohrbacher;
Best Color Work – Unpublished
: Donato Giancola pentru Beren and Luthien in the Court of Thingal and Melian;
Best Monochrome Work – Unpublished
: Travis Lewis pentru Symbiosis;
Best Three-Dimensional Art
: Forest Rogers pentru The Morrigan;
Best Gaming Related Illustration
: Ryan Yee pentru Fruit of the First Tree (Wizards of the Coast);
Best Product Illustration
: John Picacio pentru El Arbol;
Best Art Director
: Neil Clarke pentru Clarkesworld;
Lifetime Artistic Achievement Award
: Kinuko Y. Craft.