Începînd de astăzi și pînă pe 17 martie, sunt deschise nominalizările pentru premiile Hugo şi John W. Campbell 2017 ce vor fi acordate la Worldcon-ul de la Helsinki. Sunt eligibile lucrările apărute în anul 2016 conform regulilor WSFS. Anul acesta există o categorie nouă (deocamdată în teste), Best Series. Formularul de vot o explică astfel: A multi-volume science fiction or fantasy story, unified by elements such as plot, characters, setting, and presentation, which has appeared in at least three (3) volumes consisting of a total of at least 240,000 words by the close of the calendar year 2016, at least one of which was published in 2016. If any series and a subset series thereof both receive sufficient nominations to appear on the final ballot, only the version which received more nominations shall appear.