Iată lucrările nominalizate la premiile Hugo 1939 acordate pentru lucrări apărute în anul 1938 (retroactiv):
Best novel:
Carson of Venus de Edgar Rice Burroughs,
Galactic Patrol de E. E. Smith,
The Legion of Time de Jack Williamson,
Out of the Silent Planet de C. S. Lewis,
The Sword in the Stone de T. H. White

Best novella:
Anthem de Ayn Rand,
A Matter of Form de H. L. Gold,
Sleepers of Mars de John Beynon,
The Time Trap de Henry Kuttner,
Who Goes There? de Don A Stuart
Best novelette:
Dead Knowledge de Don A. Stuart,
Hollywood on the Moon de Henry Kuttner,
Pigeons From Hell de Robert E. Howard ,
Rule 18 de Clifford D. Simak,
Werewoman de C. L. Moore
Best short story:
The Faithful de Lester Del Rey,
Helen O’Loy de Lester Del Rey,
Hollerbochen’s Dilemma de Ray Bradbury,
How We Went to Mars de Arthur C. Clarke,
Hyperpilosity de L. Sprague de Camp
Best editor short form:
John W. Campbell,
Walter Gillings,
Raymond Palmer,
Mort Weisinger,
Farnsworth Wright
Best dramatic presentation:
Around the World in 80 Days,
A Christmas Carol,
The War of the Worlds
Best pro artist:
Margaret Brundage,
Virgil Finlay,
Frank Paul,
Alex Schomburg,
H. W. Wesso
Best fanzine:
Fantascience Digest,
Fantasy News,
Novae Terrae,
Best fan writer:
Forrest Ackerman
Ray Bradbury,
Bob Tucker,
Harry Warner Jr,
Donald Wollheim
Cîștigătorii vor fi anunțați pe 14 august, în prima zi a Worldcon-ului de la Londra.